encounters is a community centered series hosted by Deborah Macauley and Mira Rojzman, members of the pleasure as resistance club, acknowledging the strategies, struggles and connections of marginalized people, with special attention towards queer BIPoCs. encounters centers the well-being and caressing of the wounds of non-white and differently non-conforming bodies and realities. Through formats of un_learning and enjoying, encounters contaminates the dominant society with ancestral and radical knowledge. The series creates spaces of critical stimulation, multiple visions of being together and the power of mutual support. encounters invites to meet each other at un_common junctions and cross in our differences.
Every encounter will be sweetly arranged with different guests, kins and lovers sharing different formats of navigating living and fighting together within systems of oppression. The series will open on 1. July with a day of collective pleasure and rest. Starting with the workshop of Pleasure as Resistance Club Practicing Collective Intimacies , followed by PARIAHLIA a dreamy concert of Parisa Madani and Chanel Kah Yin Liang – with abundance of space to decompress and be in togetherness or solitude.
encounters is a community centered series hosted by Deborah Macauley and Mira Rojzman, members of the pleasure as resistance club, acknowledging the strategies, struggles and connections of marginalized people, with special attention towards queer BIPoCs. encounters centers the well-being and caressing of the wounds of non-white and differently non-conforming bodies and realities. Through formats of un_learning and enjoying, encounters contaminates the dominant society with ancestral and radical knowledge. The series creates spaces of critical stimulation, multiple visions of being together and the power of mutual support. encounters invites to meet each other at un_common junctions and cross in our differences.
Every encounter will be sweetly arranged with different guests, kins and lovers sharing different formats of navigating living and fighting together within systems of oppression. The series will open on 1. July with a day of collective pleasure and rest. Starting with the workshop of Pleasure as Resistance Club Practicing Collective Intimacies , followed by PARIAHLIA a dreamy concert of Parisa Madani and Chanel Kah Yin Liang – with abundance of space to decompress and be in togetherness or solitude.
Workshop open for all FINTAQ*: women, inter, nonbinary, trans, agender and queer people.
Sat1.7. |
A solo music performance by Parisa in the setting of a dreamy landscape visualized and enhanced by Chanel’s multi-media art installation.
Sat1.7. |