Six Gessnerallee employees and thirteen artists from the independent scene enter the theatre stage. We engage in narratives, ignore them, take them up again and ride on: Where does power take place and how do we experience it? What are our strategies of power and resistance when our own identity is threatened, when relations of dominance and subordination appear in our everyday life? In the collective we stage five public moments in which you engage in narratives, ignore them, take them up again and finally ride on. When? From 1 to 15 Nov. 20 we will share our everyday life and gather us with your audience on Fri 6 Nov. 20 pm, Sun 8 Nov. 6 pm, Tue 10 Nov. 20 pm, Wed 11 Nov. 20 pm and Sun 15 Nov. 15 pm.
What will our stage look like, when we are ready to get rid of our we and thus new ones can sprout? Will inclusion as a political promise and a concept that creates reality be able to shift power relations? How do we come to a process of becoming with other human and non-human beings?
Let`s stay in touch!
Six Gessnerallee employees and thirteen artists from the independent scene enter the theatre stage. We engage in narratives, ignore them, take them up again and ride on: Where does power take place and how do we experience it? What are our strategies of power and resistance when our own identity is threatened, when relations of dominance and subordination appear in our everyday life? In the collective we stage five public moments in which you engage in narratives, ignore them, take them up again and finally ride on. When? From 1 to 15 Nov. 20 we will share our everyday life and gather us with your audience on Fri 6 Nov. 20 pm, Sun 8 Nov. 6 pm, Tue 10 Nov. 20 pm, Wed 11 Nov. 20 pm and Sun 15 Nov. 15 pm.
What will our stage look like, when we are ready to get rid of our we and thus new ones can sprout? Will inclusion as a political promise and a concept that creates reality be able to shift power relations? How do we come to a process of becoming with other human and non-human beings?
Let`s stay in touch!
Concept, theatrical framing & production management | Ketty Ghnassia |
By and with* | Michelle Akanji, Nailje Bedjeti, Matthias Brücker, André Donzé, Seraina Dür**, Ketty Ghnassia, Jonas Gillmann**, Rabea Grand, Juliane Hahn, Jessica Jurassica, Lisa Letnansky, Fatima Moumouni, Alessandro Schiattarella, Pigeon 1**, Pigeon 2**, Pigeon 3**, Pigeon 4**, Pigeon 5** and Sandra Utzinger |
Picture & graphics | ROLI Deluxe |
* | *We will continuously adapt the credits on this website to the creation process |
** | **in collaboration with Neumarkt Zurich |
Production | cie la mêlée |
Co-production | Gessnerallee |
Supported by | Stadt Zürich Kultur and Elisabeth Weber Stiftung |